Career Enabler

Something I love dearly and do passionately

I intend to help students and early-stage professionals grow in their career.

If you find yourself asking any one of the following question(s):

  • How to plan and prepare for coding interviews?
  • Should I do projects or competitive programming?
  • Why my resume doesn’t get shortlisted?
  • How do I grow in my career?
  • How do I build credibility at work?
  • How do I make my LinkedIn profile stand out?
  • How can I create visibility in the team?

I do NOT charge anything for these sessions. I truly want to help you while learning from your experience.
Now, if you're holding back because you think there is a hidden charge which I shall reveal later!
Please note. I expect only two things from you.

  • Please make sure you describe your question in detail.
  • After the session, share your experience in form of feedback so that I can help better.


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